GW2 – Not For Me

This is a strange post for me to write.  I focus on my first impression with the last BWE for GW2. And, sadly, only the first several hours of the event.  I enjoy the community behind the game and the developers are definitely top notch, but something is lacking.  Something about the game that had me checking, reading, and hyping daily… just doesn’t deliver.  I’ll do my best to recapitulate  what I experienced on Day 1 of the third BWE and why I uninstalled on the same day.

I was lucky enough to snag a beta key last week from curse and excitedly downloaded the client to prepare any patches and so-forth.  I waited in anticipation for the 20th of July to roll around the corner.  I had purposely denied myself GW2 information since late May, in the hope that my expectations would return to a normal level.  I have had my own lofty expectations ruin first impressions for games, especially MMOs, in the past.  Let’s skip ahead to today.  I start up the game around noon/noon-thirty (PST) and love the color scheme, painterly aesthetics, and music.  I’m starting to get drawn in.  I select my first race, Norn of course, and start dabbling in the character creator.  First thing that disappointed me was the overall flatness of the character models.  Everything just felt very… blocky.

I decide to try a different race.  Switch to Human and am sadly delivered a similar impression.  I’ll pass on that as well.  Leap for joy to Sylvari.  I had some great fun creating my character from this point.  I ended up with a tree bark, branches with leaves, semi-ME3 Garrus look.  I was happy.  Continuing down the creation tree, I was an engineer by the way, the personal choices were interesting and birthed questions in me about their outcome (this is good).  Then the cinematic introduction in the unique GW2 style.  I’m completely drawn in.  The voice felt right, the story was interesting, the colors were a feast for my eyes.  Then the starting/tutorial zone…

The intense color of everything in the Sylvari dream-world was almost dizzying.  I worked my way through the short, very short, story to a very large shadow dragon, tree, thing.  I was thinking it was time to fight some awesome dragon thing that was tainting the Sylvari’s dreams.  I get ready for the fight, but then it’s over.  I maybe shot the thing 3 or 4 times.  That was it.  I was rather disappointed, but I let it slide and continued on.  The color palette in the real world was more vibrant than I’d like.  I decided to work my way over to the human lands for a change of environment.

Skip to a few hours later.  I had done a number of activities for various NPC’s outside of Divinity’s Reach.  However, the whole experience was rather mundane.  I felt like I was charging into never ending Public Quests (WAR).  I wanted to experience a little more of the Engineer so I decided to hop into the Mists and level 80.  I test out the various weapons and utilities in the area and come away feeling very unimpressed.  I don’t know what it is that I didn’t like about the whole experience, I wish I did.  I thought it might just be the profession.  Perhaps it didn’t fit my tastes.  I make an Asura elementalist and give that a go.  I skip the Dynamic Events this time and fly back to the Mists.  I dabble with all the skills and weapons and utilities, but again I felt like something was missing.  It was all interesting to finally see first hand and use on whatever ways I could think up, but… still.

I wasn’t having fun.  I was playing the classes that interested me most, joined a few Structured matches, and even ran around WvW.  Yet, I had more fun playing Dungeon Fighter Online, TERA, FFXIV, and even Warhammer Online than I did with my short experience in GW2.  I shocked myself when I came to the thought.

It must just be me.  I can say with certainty that I will not be buying GW2.   Sorry Arenanet.  You put some strong effort into your game, but it’s just not for me.

Please, don’t take this as a review of the game in any sense.  If you enjoy the game keep playing.  This was simply the impression left on me by my experience.

– TTred

GW2 PVP Roundup

An Asura Thief in action during the Battle of Khylo. A great overview of the map.

The match between Arenanet (red) and Boom Control (blue).  Human Elementalist (arenanet) PoV.  It’s a 10 minute fight and shows the potential behind GW2 becoming an e-sport.

[Part 1]

Sylvari Engineer.  Includes commentary that provides a good deal of insight behind the mechanics during PvP.

[Part 2]

Shows some more of the Engineer‘s mobility.  These are going to be a pain to deal with. >.>

A Human Warrior taking names with sword and board.  I’m assuming it’s a Human because of the size difference between her and the Charr.  A great deal of teamwork is shown here, wtg blue guys.  The overall hardiness of the Warrior makes me look forward to playing the profession.

I’ll be sure to add more as they appear!  Stay posted. :O

– Thrangis

The Sylvari Speak – Another redesign is needed

Now, when it comes to Guild Wars 2 I try to give them a certain level of leeway because of the fact that the game will be free-to-play.  However, the voice acting  so far has been lackluster.  With voices sounding too similar, out of place, or simply unimaginative.  The last one being the case when it comes to Sylvari.

I’ll disregard the silly writing and focus simply on the sound of the voice.  What I do know about Sylvari I will try to apply to my logic here.  The Sylvari are comprised solely from plant matter in the visage of human structure.  They are given gender by the Pale Tree.  We have a diversity of male and female voices, but everything is plant based.  The importance of this lies in the sound created when speaking.   Skipping through all the nitty gritty anatomical details…  Human voices are the result of flesh membranes, air, and vibrations.

Sylvari don’t have flesh, which would change how their voices sound.  They could, assumedly, recreate the entirety of a human inside and out.  But because of the materials they are made from the sound would be strange and otherworldly.

Rubi Bayer addresses this in a Massively podcast (@23 minute mark).  In the discussion held they were curious why: If the Sylvari take in the knowledge of the environment around the Pale Tree while they sleep (before they emerge), why do they have British accents?

I think they did a great job of sculpting how the Sylvari should look, but they need to perfect how the Sylvari should sound.  Noise with the illusion of voice.

There’s also a community discussion going on in regards to this topic.

– Thrangis

The Root of the Sylvari Redesign

First off I would like to thank Kristen Perry for doing so well on capturing the Sylvari.  I am blown away by how good they look.  The previous design had them looking like a group of green elves wearing plants, but the update is great.  It’s a perfect molding of plant and humanoid.

The blog article relating to this goes into a great bit of detail in regards to anatomical design for both the Sylvari and the attire available to them.  I’ll leave the armor tidbits out, since I was more fascinated by the anatomy behind the Sylvari.

The solution was to create an illusion of anatomy. The figure was not formed from a human with leaves on top of it, but rather a human shape made from grown plant parts.

The struggle stemmed (pun intended) from the difficulty in merging these two entities into a seamless being.  On one spectrum you essentially  have humans with plants either growing off of or adorning them.  On the other you become too distant from the human-like beauty that Sylvari are said to express.  A walking fern or… piece of broccoli maybe.

Overall, day 1 of Sylvari week has been exactly what the fans have wanted.

– Thrangis


Sylvari Week on the Horizon (Updated for Eurogamer Expo)

About 20 minutes ago it was confirmed through a tweet that GW2 will be having Sylvari week before Gamescom (in August) and they will be playable at Gamescom and PAX.  I’m looking forward to seeing what the redesign is going to be, because the initial presentation of the race didn’t… well, it didn’t fit the setting.  Cartoony green skinned elf people.

[UPDATE:  From the bits of information I was able to round up, we can safely assume that Sylvari are going to be playable at Eurogamer Expo in London as well.  You can hold me accountable if this proves false.  But I can’t see Anet toting around a second version of the demo in September, when they had a playable version with Sylvari in August.  :)]

Shortly after this Anet discussed the need for a redesign and the GW2 community has been waiting, and speculating, patiently.  There’s been a good variety of concept art that doesn’t look anything like the characters in the first image.

With such a contrast between the images we have to go off, I have no idea what the final product will end up looking like.

From what little I know about Sylvari and this is for visual appearance alone, I know that they’re are birthed from the fruit of a great tree.  If they’re associated with fruit then I hope that is conveyed with their redesign.  Frankly I don’t see fruit when I see any of the concept art.  Maybe the last one, but not entirely.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

– Thrangis